Globes for sale in Rome | Polvere di Tempo
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The word globe comes from Latin, “globus”, meaning sphere. A globe is a spheric model of the earth.


The first time we hear of the globe comes from a greek geographer and historian named Strabone. The most Antique one is the Erdapfel (terrestrial Apple) constructed by Martin Behaim in 1492.


There are different types of globes representing the different characteristics of the planet earth – be it topographic, political or socio-economic.

Globo Terrestre colore nero
Terrestrial globe with compass
antico globo terrestre
Terrestrial globe reproduction of the 600 ‘
globo terrestre
Terrestrial globe
astrological globe reproduction
Astrological Globe reproduction of the 1500s
Terrestrial Globe reproduction of 1500s
Terrestrial Globe reproduction of the 1500s
Terrestrial Globe reproduction of 1700s
Terrestrial Globe reproduction of the 1700s